WSDC2021 論題解説④ -遂にバブルラウンド-

  • 即興ラウンド(Round 2,4,6,8)のケースは僕がメインで作っていたので、どういうケースをどのような思考プロセスで出したのか覚えている範囲で書こうと思います。
  • 準備ラウンド(Round 1,3,5,7)のうちRound 3のケースのみ僕がメインで作っていたので、即興ラウンド同様のことを書こうと思います。その他の論題に関しては、手伝った部分もありますが、僕の勝手なケース解釈が混じっているかつあまり詳細に書けないかもしれません。
  • 即興ラウンドの思考法に関しては、僕はおそらく他の人とかなり違った方法でケースを考えているので参考になるかは分かりません。詳しくはRound 2の解説の欄に書いてあります。



3日目が終わった段階で4勝2敗だったので、あと1試合、Round 7かRound 8に勝てばブレイクという状況でした。

いや〜Round 7負けた時は本当に焦りましたよ。また今年もブレイク落ちするかもって。そこも含め読んで頂ければ。

[Round 7 (Prepared)]

〈Hegel、Panda共通〉THBT developing countries should prioritise import substitution industrialisation over export oriented industrialisation.





Export driven industrialisation は大きく2種類あって、


マレーシアが国産の車を製造するためにProtonっていう企業を作って莫大な投資をした(これはどちらかというと失敗例)のとか、台湾だと半導体産業、韓国だと漁業の輸出で儲けたお金をHyundai, Samsung, LGあたりに投資してグローバルな巨大企業にまでしたり、こういうイメージです。






次に、Import substitution industrialisationについて、


ロシアとか昔(まだ経済的に比較的豊かだったとき)のラテンアメリカ諸国とかがやっていたっぽいです。あとは中国はdeveloping countryではないですが、米中貿易戦争後に中国がこっちに舵を切って今膨大なお金を国内企業に絶賛投資中です。




For developing countries, the mere likeliness or possibility of growth that is associated with the idea of competing in the global market, is an illusion that makes them take an irreversible risk. Import substitute industry necessarily provides the gradual and stable growth which secures an independent economy, proud to propose.

2 arguments in my speech

1st argument: Why export oriented industry is likely to fail
2nd argumemt: Why Import substitute Industry is likely to succeed

Before that, a couple of

Set up
Import Substitution Industrialization or ISI looks like a couple of things
Tariffs and quotas in order to limit the influx of foreign products
Preferential treatment to local companies, such as subsidies, tax-cuts, and reduction in corporate loans
- The process of the government determining which corporation to invest in will include for example 3rd party institutions orchestrating initial and intermittent checks after government investment
Governments will actively encourage local entrepreneurship through tax-breaks, subsidies, so on
Export Oriented Industrialization or EOI looks like the concentration of capital in one industry, like textile or manufacturing industries . That’s what opp must defend in todays debate.
Transition to ISI will be gradual, i.e., based on the capacity of developing countries to shift its economic structures.
The products that are going to be produced would change gradually. We will start off with simple everyday necessities such as clothes or sanitary products, and as countries gain economic development and technology, they are likely to transition to more advanced products such as vehicles like motors, construction cars, so on.

Moving on to

1st argument: Why export oriented industry is likely to fail

There are 2 types of context in which export oriented industry is likely to fail

1st context: LDC like Laos
2nd context. Developing countries currently growing like Indonesia

1st context: Least developing countries

What do these countries look like?

- These are countries that significantly lack infrastructure, lack a sufficient energy supply such as water and electricity. They are also extremely unstable due to suffering from conflict, political instability, so on. These countries are ones with a significantly low GDP like Laos or Cambodia, or majority of African nations and also small countries in the Americas.

These countries can only conduct EOI in two ways

We are going to prove that either are likely to fail.

a. Scenarios in which governments takes lead
- this looks like governments of these destitute nations investing in domestic corporations and these corporations exporting products in the global market.
- This model is likely to fail because of the lack of technology that exists in these countries, given they don’t have much capital they can invest in things like R and D.
- Moreover, these countries don’t have ability to receive funds from financial insitutions like banks, given they lack trust.
- A lack of branding and trust also results in the inability to compete against other global corporations given they have to establish an entire new market.

b. Foreign multinational companies takes lead

- This looks like these developing countries inviting foreign MNCs to operate business such as what China did in Special economic Zones in the late 20th century.
- In order to attract foreign MNCs, they must have some reason to enter despite the lack of infrastructure and weak economy.
- Therefore, developing countries must provide specialties like giving them subsidies and exempting taxes.
- In order to execute such policies, you necessarily need sufficient financial capital. To gather capital, these developed countries must increase tax, borrow money from extremely high interest financial institutions since they don’t have trust, or print a lot of money in their country.
- Given the economy is already unstable at the start, This significantly harms the people on the ground, as it is likely to lead to inflation like in Zimbabwe with its mass economic crisis.

What we proved to you under this context is that in extremely underdeveloped countries, export oriented industries is highly likely to fail, which induces economic failure and mass unemployment

This analysis is extremely important in this debate because in these countries where millions of people are living in poverty, export oriented industry failing has the biggest immediate impact of people dying.

2nd context: Developing countries which are currently growing

- As opposed to extremely less developed countries, developing countries which are growing such as Indonesia and India have, to an extent, sufficient infrastructure and resources, thus foreign MNCs have incentive to come in.
- Even in this case, export oriented industry is likely to fail because it becomes a mono culture industry in which the developing country focuses on one particular industry, like Indonesia relying on the export of Palm oil
- You are unable to diversify industries because establishing a whole new industry costs mass amounts of money which is over the capacity of developing countries.

- This monoculture export oriented industry is bad for 2 reasons.

1. Extremely unstable

Relying on one industry makes your entire economy contingent on the amount of demand of that product or whether there is an economic crisis, whether there is an outbreak of disease like COVID, if the relationship you have with the country you rely on gets worse, the country you relied on changes political stance to protectionists, so on.
This means your profit is extremely unstable and fails if just one factor has large influence on your industry

2. Other countries can hold leverage over you

For instance, if you rely on the export of a particular product to the US, US is able to leverage this politically against you and then try to get negotiations and trade deals that is beneficial for themselves.
This looks like bad trade condition, high tariffs which hurts the capacity of your export
The implication here is that you have no choice but to accept these conditions that harm your trade

What is the impact of this argument

- In every context of developing countries, we have proven to you that Export Oriented Industry is highly likely to fail
- Once it fails, there is massive harm because the developing countries that I talked about don’t have the capacity to withstand the risk given they don’t have a sophisticated safety net structure such as welfare.
- As a result, there is massive damage to people on the ground i.e. unprecedented amounts of unemployment, market obliteration
- Rather than this massively risky industry, we would note that ISI, which is a lower risk industry is rather better which I will be proving in our next point.

2nd argument: Why Import substitute Industry is likely to succeed
★The thesis under this is that ISI is structurally likely to grow and succeed on our side of the house

3 reasons

Products cater to the needs of citizens better
- This is bc in developing countries the expections and standard of life is relatively low.
- People living in Nigeria or Ethiopia don't demand to purchase high quality luxuries like silk but rather daily basic commodities such as toothbrushes and everyday clothing.
- In those instances, people don’t demand high quality products like in the global market which EOI necessarily has to compete in.

Domestic industries are likely to thrive
In contrast to EOI, ISI doesn’t require battling with rich foreign companies because we conduct protectionist policies such as imposing tariffs on foreign products, meaning it’s easier to sell domestic products.
- Even if there is competition between domestic companies, that's a positive outcome given the competition mechanism means these corporations need to make more cost-efficient and innovative products, like smartphones which is a benefit to citizens.

Domestic markets accrue stable demand
The fact that there is a constant, growing population in developing countries, means there is a large, consistent demand for everyday commodities.
Developing countries are likely to produce necessities that people are going to utilize in their daily lives that people need no matter what. eg. motorcycles in places like Thailand and Indonesia which are a fundamental part of transportation
Therefore, ISI is unlikely to fluctuate in profit and encounter sudden instability as EOI.

What is the impact of this.
- On our side of the house, we get certainty within the economy that we develop.
- ISI is not contingent on Chinese or US economic growth, not contingent on the economic conditions of external countries because people have incentive to buy the product in domestic markets.
- The reason certainty is important for these countries is because at the point in which it fails, they don’t have a sufficient safety net such as welfare.
- So even if economic development is slower compared to side opposition, steady economic growth with little risk of failing does not starve the most vulnerable people on the ground.
- On our side, they can at least secure food, shelter and clothes.

At the end of the day, we stabilize and ensure the independence of the economy of developing country, and that is why we are so proud to stand for import substitute industrialization.





TL;DR: Least developing countries cannot successfully build an industry that can win against the competition in the global market. The only way they can industrialise is to have an industry that can most certainly win in the local competition but perhaps with low returns.

export driven industrialisationは正直リスクが高すぎます。ナイジェリアの自動車産業トヨタに勝てると思いますか?特に貧困な国ほど絶対失敗します。失敗すると、healthcareとか基本的なインフラすら整っていない国の住民は苦しみますよね。なので、成功の蓋然性の高さを比べたら(「可能性の高さ」ではありません!可能性はあるかないかなので、高い低いは誤用です。これは人の常識の有無をみる良いリトマス試験紙になります。みたいなことを林修が言ってました。僕は勿論本を全く読まない非常識人なので知りませんでした泣)関税かけて他国企業を排斥した状態で現地の人が使う製品、つまり絶対売れるもの、を作る現地企業に投資するimport substitution industrialisationの方が圧倒的に有能です。





(Prop) Japan vs (Opp) Bangladesh

1-2 で負け



バングラはWSDCブレイク常連なので割と強いのも知っていたし、Round 8がバブルになるのは精神的にきついのでここで勝たなきゃという責任感が強かったのかもしれません。


ただバングラはLO上手かったものの、DLO, OWと後半スピーカーは残念って感じでした。Prepared motionだったからコンストがガチだった説は若干ありますが、とはいえあっぱれ。


反論も含めてメインで4つあって(それぞれ3, 4つ分析がついていますがそこまで覚えてないので略)、

1. EOI(Export oriented) is less prone to corruption as it requires less government intervention

→ Less economic efficiency for ISI (Import substitution)

2. EOI will succeed as developing countries can provide cheap labour and resources

3. EOI is less risky. ISI depends on the local political climate in which political crises, natural disasters, and local economic crises often occur. By contrast, EOI can diversify risk by exporting to multiple different countries.

4. EOI helps poor ppl as it (MNCs) gives critical skill sets to local ppl. On the contrary, many poor ppl are locked in unskilled labour under ISI.





[Round 8(Impromptu)]

〈Hegel〉THW prioritize government funding for Indigenous art & artisans working in contemporary artistic disciplines (ex: electronic music, performance art) instead of those Indigenous artisans practicing more "traditional" disciplines (ex: beadwork, carvings).

(Context: Many countries around the world provide funding targeted to Indigenous art and artists so that they can both preserve and develop Indigenous culture. These financial supports can take the form of bursaries, grants, program funding, or direct financial support of the artist. However, Indigenous artists working in more contemporary music, art, theatre, etc. complain that they're overlooked in funding allocations in favour of artisans who create works of art seen as more 'traditionally/stereotypically Indigenous.")


※Context Slideの和訳は省略







〈Panda〉THBT Indigenous people charged with crimes should be tried and sentenced in accordance with the customs of their Indigenous community, instead of a non Indigenous justice system (i.e. state/federal/provincial courts).












アボリジニのalcoholic cultureによる飲酒運転や未成年飲酒、Usage of recreational drugs to connect with ancestorsみたいな感じ(だと僕らは思っています)。

Oppに有利な例で言えば、Honour killingとかFGMですかね。これらは僕らからはノーコメントで、向こうが言ったら対処するくらいに考えていました。


それではTwo arguments. 1つ目、Principle。2つ目、Practical。





1) Justice is about what ppl believe to be fair. だからこそ選挙で勝った政治家が法律を決める。ただこのIndigenous communityとMainstreamのMajorityが求めるものは全然違うので、Indigenous community内で裁きの方法を決めれるべき

2) The way we determine punishment is based on moral culpability. どの程度のagencyがあって犯罪をしたのかを結構考慮します。だからこそ精神衰弱者には刑罰がない場合もある。じゃあIndigenous communityはなんでagencyなしに犯罪をするのでしょうか。ここで上手くDurham IVのArth MishraのPMスピーチをパクれます。(Crimes of impulseの話は面倒なので入れずに、)純粋に子供の頃からずっとIndigenous communityのmoral codeを教えられて、西洋化された社会に少しは触れていたとしても、価値判断が異なっているだろうし、特にUsage of recreational drugs to connect with ancestorsの場合、もし使わなかったら狭いコミュニティー内での社会的死を意味します。絶対Moral culpabilityないやん。

3) Current court system was created by the state. The majority of indigenous communities, at the point of creation of the nation-state, never had the choice to leave control from the state. ネイティブアメリカンなりマオリなり、勝手に西洋人が来て政府を立てて法律を作って裁判所を設置して、裁き始めただけで、consentを一切していないので、自分たちの価値観に基づいて自分たちの司法制度を作る権利が存在します。

4) Court system in the SQ is deeply biased against indigenous ppl. イメージ的には、ブラジルで多国籍企業先住民族の居住地をブルドーザーでぶっ壊しても殆ど刑罰を受けない。これは過激な例過ぎますが、裁判官の殆どは先住民族のことをよく知らない金持ちボンボンのMajority出身です。Lived experienceが違い過ぎて、無意識にもバイアスがかかっているはず。

5) Vitim ought not to be considered in the justice system. そもそも被害者第一にしたら窃盗の罪を犯した人を死刑にするんですか?ってなってそれは違うだろってなりますよね。ただこれだけでは論理がないので、理由をつけると、We can't measure the intensity of victims preferences(さっきあげた音源参照)というやつです。








2つ目に犯罪がindigenous community内でUnaccountableな私刑により処罰される(vigilantism)こと。

これらは現行の司法制度とindigenous communityのmoral codeが大きくかけ離れているが故に先住民族の人が警察含む司法制度を信用せず、例え犯罪を目撃したとしてもどこにもreportしない、あるいは、コミュニティー内のリーダーにreportして私刑が執行されるかになります。


このargumentは戦略性を持った上で想起していて、相手が話してくるであろうvictims don't consent to the perpeturator being punished differently的な話を、Practically we get better prosecution i.e. better justice for victims.ということを証明することでPrincipleのclashで負けたとしても勝てるようにしました。




最近Criminal justice系のモーションがほぼ絶滅しかけているので、非常に悲しい限りですが、もうちょっと使えそうな音源も載せます。



日本の高校ディベート大会あるあるで、Parent-child relationshipディベートが出るたびに、英語が流暢な学校の後半スピーカーからイントロを自分の経験(ほんとかは知らん)で始めるニキが出現します。WSDC 2020 GFのDPMも自分の経験突然語り出すニキになっていた気がする。まあ別に悪いことだとは思わないんだけど、中身ないスピーチのイントロで「僕のお母さんは云々」とか言われるとめっちゃムカつきます(※個人の感想です)。僕だけじゃないはず(だと信じてます)。






(Prop) Japan vs (Opp) Taiwan


一応Splitではあるんですけど、マイナーしたパネルの方が、「当初はOpp winだと思ったけどチェアの話聞いたら君たち勝ってたわごめんね」って言い出してビビりました。実質Unanimous winということで。

バブルラウンドで負けたらブレイク落ちの大ピンチでしたが、実は僕は全然緊張しなかったですw Principle系は個人的に得意なのでモーション見た瞬間「よっしゃ時代きた!」って感じでイケイケどんどんで無事勝てました。しかも僕はDPMだったのですが、LOのケースがプレパ死んでそうな雰囲気だったので「カモきたブレイクあざす」って思いながら自信満々にスピーチしてました。なのでジャッジが結果発表でIt was a split decisionって言い始めたとき心底焦りました。もう心臓止まるかと思った。自分戦犯したかもって。結局勝てたので良かったけど。
